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Jessi Combs wheel
11/07/2019 12:44
Hot Rod posted cause of her acciident in the American Eagle, a wingless fighter jet, as a front wheel failing from mechanical stress due to striking an object at over 500 mph. Her official record came in at 536 or so. The photo shows a rear wheel in the pic, unlike any pneumatic I have seen. Anyone know about the wheels in these vehicles? At least one member on here making efforts for record at Bonneville.
Hot Rod posted cause of her acciident in the American Eagle, a wingless fighter jet, as a front wheel failing from mechanical stress due to striking an object at over 500 mph. Her official record came in at 536 or so. The photo shows a rear wheel in the pic, unlike any pneumatic I have seen. Anyone know about the wheels in these vehicles? At least one member on here making efforts for record at Bonneville.